National heritage defines the critical moments in our development as a nation and reflects achievements, joys and sorrows in the lives of Australians. It also encompasses those places that reveal the richness of Australia's extraordinarily diverse natural heritage.
you will now not get arrested for what u say
Explanation: MOV instruction copies a word or byte from a specified source to a specified destination. The destination can be a register or a memory location. The source can be a register or a memory location or an immediate number .
For MOV CX 037AH: put immediate number 037AH to CX
For MOV BL, (437AH) : copy byte in Ds at offset 437AH to BL
For MOV AX BX : copy content register BX to AX
For MOV DL, (BX) : copy byte from memory at(BX) to DL
That identifies the differences. Good luck.
The tip would be $6.36
If the bill was $42.40, and you wanted to leave 15% tip
0.15 is the same as 15% and you multiple it by the amount to get your tip