The launch of the soviet satellite "Спутник"
The Soviet Union has successfully launched a Satellite named "Спутник" into the earths orbit. The United States started to panic because of the rumors that the satellite could see every single base United States had. The Space Race was later fueled after the Soviets successfully launched a dog into space named лайка. Following that launch several months later Cosmonaut Юрий Гагарин was sent into space as the first man to go into space.
The Western settlers need loans from banks to start a new beginning through ranching and farming.
The availability of fertile land in the West drove the white Americans to develop ranch and farm. Some of the settlers began to take loans from banks to buy land and cattle.
ruled by strict policies, including mandatory English, short hair, and tribal name changes
The following are accurate descriptions of Indian boarding schools:
1. Ruled by strict policies
2. Mandatory English language
3. Short hair
4. Tribal name changes.