During DNA Replication, the DNA strand that has the bases 3'ATACGC5' produces a strand with the bases 5'TATGCG3'
Answer: Option B
The DNA Replication produces the newly formed two complimentary base pair strand from the two template base pair strand, so basically the already existing DNA strand is replicated, in order to produce complimentary DNA strand, with the template giving one strand to new each.
Thereby, here the given base was 3' ATACGC 5' so the first thing to produce the strand will be that the coding end will be reversed so the 3' end will have 5' end and 5' end will have 3' end. Then A bonds with T and T bonds with A and, so C bonds with G and G bonds with C, therefore, ATACGC will produce TATGCG. Thereby, answer would be 5'TATGCG3'.
A "beta-blocker" or clotbuster are the types of medication used to dissolve clots involved in MIs and CVAs. Remember though to be aware that two other medications that are used to prevent further clot build up are not clot busters but instead vasodilators (Nitroglycerin) or clotting antagonist (Aspirin).
Endocrine and Cardiovascular system
Excess fat intake leads to different health hazards. They affect the body and cause lipids to clog the arteries thereby preventing blood from quickly delivering oxygen to the body parts.
Excess fat intake causes fatty pancreas and decreases its function.
It also causes series of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack; elevated cholesterol/atherosclerosis,abnormal heart rhythms, hypertension, stroke etc