It means "sentence with the word reveal".
ya :^
La biotecnología se refiere a toda aplicación tecnológica que utilice sistemas biológicos y organismos vivos o sus derivados para la creación o modificación de productos o procesos para usos específicos (Convention on Biological Diversity, Article 2. Use of Terms, United Nations.
15th-18th centuries
Columbus's expedition arrived on October 12, 1492 to the West Indies. On December 5, 1492 Columbus arrived on the island of Hispaniola, currently divided into two countries, Haiti and the Dominican Republic, and established the first European colony there in the new world.
Later on several trips, the Spaniards were exploring and establishing small colonies, first in the Antilles archipelago, then in Tierra Firme, that is, the American continent.
Explanation: cancion means song, cantante means singer and cascada means waterfall