You can use the song "Queendom" from Aurora.
This is a very poetic song and full of meanings, metaphors, rhymes and figurative language that will greatly enrich your reading plan.
Basically, the song talks about creating an ideal world, where the most disadvantaged people (in the world we live in) have the strength required to obtain privileged places in this new world. In addition, the music has a strong symbolism about equality, preservation of the environment, among other very important points so that it is possible that we live in harmony.
It presents the main idea of the entire composition
A. The mystery around the monkey's paw is introduced
Hints of this lie in the adjectives such as "curiously" and the mention of "magic" which tells the reader that there might be something more to monkey's paw, and that maybe we should be curious.
The ESA has done more good than harm because it has help to prevent total EXTINCTION and eradication of some plants and animals that might have been wiped out from there kingdom due to human use or environmental factors. Ihas also brought about recovery of palnts and animals that might have been lost
The ESA act has been so significant and useful to wild animals because it has prevented these animals from being wiped out or terminated from existing in the forest. It has serve as a cover law to makes this species live longer and not erased away due to environmental or human use for some purposes. The Act has also helped lots of animal and plants to come back to live due to some restrictions the law has brought in to control the extinction