Earthquakes produce three types of seismic waves: primary waves, secondary waves, and surface waves. Each type moves through materials differently. In addition, the waves can reflect, or bounce, off boundaries between different layers.
The name of the city in Macedonian, Serbian and Bulgarian (all local Slavic tongues) is Kumanovo (Куманово). In Albanian, it is Kumanova or Kumanovë. Kumanovo derives from the name of the Cumans, a western branch of Kipchaks, the tribe that invaded the area in the early 12th century.
Municipality: Kumanovo Municipality
Country: Macedonia
Named for: tribe Kumans
B.) a population density map and c.) a political boundary map
The Moon appears to change shape because we see different amounts of the lit part as the Moon orbits Earth. From Earth's perspective, we see varying amounts of the illuminated part of the Moon.
As the region is deforested, the topography, gravity, soil permeability and terrain slope will control the runoff, as well as the intensity of the rain.
Runoff occurs when water flows over a soil that is saturated, that is, soaked. What controls the runoff efficiently is the native vegetation of the place, however, when this area is cleared, the soil is completely at the mercy of saturation, causing the runoff to be controlled by topography, gravity, permeability of the soil and the slope of the terrain, as well as the intensity of the rain.