Function algorithm is coded below
2. Replace in Function
(defun replace-all (string part replacement &key (test #'char=))
"Returns a new string in which all the occurrences of the part is replaced with replacement."
(with-output-to-string (out)
(loop with part-length = (length part)
for old-pos = 0 then (+ pos part-length)
for pos = (search part string
:start2 old-pos
:test test)
do (write-string string out
:start old-pos
:end (or pos (length string)))
when pos do (write-string replacement out)
while pos)))
3. Insert After
(defun insert-after (lst index newelt)
(push newelt (cdr (nthcdr index lst)))
(insert-after '(a c d) 0 'b) => (A B C D)
4. insertNth
(defun insertNth(number index list)
(do ((head '() (list* (first tail) head))
(tail list (rest tail))
(index index (1- index)))
((zerop index)
(nreconc head (list* (+ number (first tail))
(rest tail))))))
5. InsertAfterAll
(defun InsertAfterAll (a v)
(if (null v) (cons a nil) (cons (car v) (endcons a (cdr v)))))
(endcons 'a '(b c d))