I can't type the essay for you but here are some ideas.
automates tasks (accounting and excel) connectivity to users and employees (like marketing, skype, hiring online) give a professional and deaign look to items (graphic designers) learning and training (don't need to go to a school to learn code or selling like linkedin, Lynda, or edukit) selling products (things don't have to be in a store. less costs for the business for the stores which is easier for customers because it is convient and it moves more product like Amazon)
Technology can help business professionals be more efficient by automating tasks so it can be done quicker and be perfect. It can also mean good customer service like being able to talk over video chat and be able to help a custom that has a problem. Technology means internet and if you want your product advertised you can find a lot of places that can easily get your product viewed. And lastly you can sell your product on websites like ebay and amazon and ship your product across the globe.
Explanation: I am in the 10th grade so this will look like it was done from a student and also i used the other answer to write mine!