Someone in their family getting cancer/dying and losing faith in their religion.
Wars, make people lose faith in humanity
<span>Thought, Religious, and Cultural.
</span>Fascism restricts the rights of: (1) Workers to form unions and bargain collectively. (2) Intellectuals seeking to disseminate unapproved content. (3) <span>Citizens in general to gather or travel freely.
</span>The documents that include personal liberties are the American bill of rights, the constitution, and the declaration of independence.
For me I wish someone had taught me that getting along with people well is actually far more important than being superb at your job. I saw it 1000 times that the easier-going person got promoted and the more determined workaholic who really knew their stuff were passed over. I never learned how to small talk.
I was told several times that college is the most important time of a person’s life and that the relationships made then are crucially important down the line. I spent far too much time becoming an outstanding student/MD and far too little time complimenting the nurses and administrators, etc., always willing to linger for small talk even if patients were waiting on me. It took a long time for me to realize that no one cared how expert I was as long as I completed the minimum necessary work, and the patients’ outcomes were of scarce importance to them.
Now with internet access it’s much easier to maintain relationships, although the substance seems much shallower than a handwritten snail mail letter from generations ago when literacy was really valued and letters were creative.
I’ve never spent time arguing since it always seemed pointless to me. I was right. I think of the thousands of arguments I've witnessed over the years and the nonsense I put up with with so many combative personalities. If only I knew then that people cannot communicate properly when arguing so it’s a complete waste of time for everyone. I decided many years ago to never sit through such nonsense and simply say “let’s table this until everyone is calm” and then I exit.