from my mother
shes obssed with Elgars pieces
Here are my paragraphs:
The Natural Minor Scale is a minor scale in its simplest form. It has no added sharps of flats besides those in the key signature. For example, the A minor scale (which is the relative to the C Major Scale) has no sharps or flats in the key signature, which means that the natural A Minor Scale is just from A to A.
In the Harmonic Minor Scale, you raise the seventh note in the scale-up a half step on the way up the scale and on the way back down the scale. So in the A minor scale, G becomes G sharp.
Finally, with the Melodic Minor Scale, you raise the sixth and seventh notes up a half step on the way up the scale, but not on the way back down. In A Minor, F and G become F sharp and G sharp, but only on the way up the scale.