The Founders created a high standard of responsibility by requiring nine states to agree.
gold rush started back in January 24th 1848 people went to California because they wanted gold 3California is the most popular place in the us because of the goldminers extracted over more than 750,000 pounds or gold during the California gold rush and after marshalls discovery at sitters mill the treaty of Guadalupe vital to was signed ending the Mexican American war and leaving California in the hands of the united states
Short grasses that grow naturally on steppes provide grazing for cattle, goats, horses, camels, and sheep. Sometimes steppes are overgrazed, which occurs when there are more animals than the land can support. When the short grasses of the steppe are plowed under for agriculture, the soil can erode very quickly.
oh its all of like the people that work directly for him
Cabinet, in political systems, a body of advisers to a head of state who also serve as the heads of government departments.
Constantinople (known today as Istambul). It sits on the Bosphorus Strait, a waterway that separates Asia from Europe.