Seymour Benzer used phage T4 mutants, Experimental
evidence that a gene is a linear sequence of nucleotide pairs. Some regions of
chromosomes have "hot spots" for mutations. Benzer's experimental
approach to fine structure mapping of the rII locus. Generated 1612 spontaneous point mutations
and several deletions in rII locus identified two complementation groups, rIIA
and rIIB. Mapped locations of deletions
relative to each other using recombination.
Mapped locations of point mutations relative to the deletions. Tested
for recombination between all point mutations within the same complementation
Seawater is a complex mixture of 96.5 percent water, 2.5 percent salts, and smaller amounts of other substances, including dissolved inorganic and organic materials, particulates, and a few atmospheric gases, so it would affect the water negatively.
Unlike natural selection, genetic drift does not depend on an allele's beneficial or harmful effects. Instead, drift changes allele frequencies purely by chance, as random subsets of individuals (and the gametes of those individuals) are sampled to produce the next generation.
You could argue that in early succession areas species may have not been adapted or evolved. In Darwin's theory, life began in a shallow, warm pond. If that is the case, species would then venture deeper when their area they are in is suitable and having success
B. Plasmid hope this helps.