Directions: Read and understand each question very well. Write the letter on a separate sheet of paper. 1. Which of these explai
ns the cause of day and night? A. The revolution of the earth around the Sun B. The rotation of the earth on its axis C. The rotation of the earth around the Sun D. Both A and B 2. The earth travels on its orbit around the sun. Some changes take place during this orbit of the earth. These changes on Earth are caused by varying. A. Amount of air C. Amount of oxygen B. Amount of rainfalls D. Amount of sunlight 3. The places near the equator receive more heat than others. They experience A. Cold temperature C. Higher Temperature B. Lower Temperature D. Moderate Temerature 4. Which picture below shows the angle of the earth's axis? A. Ø C. D. 5. The part of the earth facing directly to the Sun receives A. Slanting rays C. Diagonal rays B. Vertical rays D. Staright rays 6. Which of the following results to different amount of solar energy received by the different parts of the world. A. Revolution and rotation C. Rotation B. Revolution D. none of the above 7. Why do we have seasons on earth? A. Because the Sun is tilted on its axis B. 0.C
The accurate answer is: Natural selection is based on Darwin’s observation that individuals most likely to survive and reproduce are those _____.Environment