46 chromosomes
<em>I. G1 phase (Gap 1) - Cellular contents excluding the chromosomes, are duplicated. II. S phase (DNA Synthesis) - Each of the 46 chromosomes is duplicated by the cell.</em>
The efferent pathways of the ANS consist of 2 neurons that transmit impulses from the CNS to the effector tissue. The preganglionic neuron originates in the CNS with its cell body in the lateral horn of the gray matter of the spinal cord or in the brainstem.
add me as brain
When the patch occupancy rate (c) equals the patch extinction rate (e), patch occupancy (P) is 0
According to Levin's model (1969):
<em>dP/dt = c - e</em>
where P represents the proportion of occupied patches.
<em>c</em><em> </em>and <em>e </em>are the local immigration and extinction probabilities per patch.
Thus, the rate of change of P, written as dP/dt, tells you whether P will increase, decrease or stay the same:
- if dP/dt >0, then P is increasing with time
- if dP/dt <0, then P is decreasing with time
- if dP/dt = 0, then P is remaining the same with time.
The rate dP/dt is calculated by the difference between colonization or occupancy rate (<em>c</em>) and extinction rate (<em>e</em>).
c is then calculated as the number of successful colonizations of unoccupied patches as a proportion of all available patches, while e is the proportion of patches becoming empty. Notice that P can range between 0 and 1.
As a result, if the patch occupancy rate (c) equals the patch extinction rate (e), then patch occupancy P equals to 0.
Temperature is the most harsh abiotic factor that limits distribution of the tundra biome.
The tundra biome can be described as a biome that is one of the most abundant biome of the earth but allows little growth of trees due to its very cold temperatures. Often, in a tundra biome, no trees would be seen. The ground soil of this biome remains frozen most of the year and is termed as permafrost. The tundra biome shows very little biodiversity due to the extreme cold conditions. Very few animals and plants are adapted to live in these conditions.
Framshift mutation
The frame shift mutation is also known as reading frame shift or framing error mutation, during which an insertion or deletion occurs at a single position but it effects the sequence of whole gene in such a way that complete sequence is disturbed.
If we look at the sequence given in example:
Wild sequence: the big red fly had one eye
Mutant: the fbi gre dfl yha don eey
An insertion mutation occured at the start of sequence big, where f got inserted. We know that a 3 set of nucleotides called codon is transcribed and translated into single amino acid of protein. So when f got added it disturbed the frame and all the sequences of next codons got altered.
- big changed to fbi
- red changed to gre
- fly changed to dfl
- had changed to yha
In short the ehole protein will have wrong sequence of amino acid and it is worst type of mutation that badly effects an organism.
Hope it help!