Manhattan Project National Historical Park
A synagogue is a place of Jewish worship, where Jews congregate and see their rabbi and practice the laws of the Torah. Sabbath, or Shabbat, is a weekly practice of rest that starts Friday at sundown and ends Saturday evening. During Shabbat, Jews light candles and observe the rest that G-d took on the seventh day of creating the world.
Kosher is a form of religious dietary restriction that Jews practice. It includes not mixing meats and milk, and not eating animals that have split hooves.
Cut taxes defense spendings, and more was added when Reagan became President thus he also added military power giving them more access and control.
The correct answer is A. Federalism refers to the doctrine by which power and responsibility for governance is shared by a Federal government with the state governments.
The reasons for it not to be used can definitely be the collateral damage where around 150,000 civilians died. On the other hand, the atomic bombs can be said to have ended to war in Japan since it capitulated, allowing everyone to focus on Germany. It also prevented much greater losses since a military study of a Japan invasion pointed out that millions of people would die. Compared to that, 150,000 doesn't seem that much.