First, we have to understand that the concept of "spiritual" is different from culture to culture and especially, time after time. Anyway, the "spiritual quest" in Gilgamesh can be sum up into three stages:
- The identity of the character - Who am I?
- The purpose of his life - What should I do?
- The meaning of life or happiness - What fulfill me?
Gilgamesh's quest involve answer these questions, and find a way to explain himself. That's why we can describe his journey as a spiritual quest. The journey he undertakes, if separated into the Stages of Soul, then we have:
- Call - Gilgamesh fells that must seek the plant of immortality
- Search - He and Enkidu undertake an adventure to find the plant
- Struggle - several monsters and obstacles, but also, Enkidu's murder by the envy gods. Gilgamesh must continue the quest without his friend.
- Breakthrough is painful, and Gilgamesh loses the plant.
- He returns home with the conviction of his mortality.
Maybe the better answer to the message of this tale is that life is precious, and you must live plenty. You see, Gilgamesh was a futile and lazy king, but also vicious and violent. He was wasting his life, so he finally realizes it's importance, but also learn that loneliness is painful. He never care about anyone but him. When Enkidu dies, he understands the value of a friend.
The Epic of Gilgamesh is a classic tale of return carrying a message that was obtained through terrible grief and struggle. But also, a personal point of view of the human soul.
??? whadya mean? do u mean poetry? but i sill d not understand
It depends on what you are talking about when you say "create the look".
Most likely, the answer you are looking for is the Director, because the Director will give input to the costume designer on the character's look and how it fits into the overall design elements of the entire production.
If, on the other hand, the question is asking about who assists in building the costumes, then the answer is the Wardrobe assistant.
Again, it all boils down to if "create" means design or construction. In context, my best guess is it's referring to design, in which case the answer is the Director.
Hi, you've asked a question that seems incomplete. However, I answered from a general musical perspective.
<u> b. features melody followed by taqsim section.</u>
Note, the term Al-Shaghal is sometimes used to refer to a form of musical production that involves several musicians playing the same melody but in different styles, which is usually followed by a tasqsim section.
A tasqsim section often involves a form of musical expression used by Arabian musicians to express their emotions in the course of a musical performance.