Why does the old man add "if you should live till then"? He adds that, because he knows they won't last long. They will probably die quickly. ... The rioter accuses the old an of being a spy for death.
Basiically tools r usually multipurpose n equipment is designed for a specific task.
1.) Primary Source
2.) All of them
3.) Beliefs
Primary sources provide a first-hand account of an event or time period and are considered to be authoritative. They represent original thinking, reports on discoveries or events, or they can share new information. ... Secondary sources involve analysis, synthesis, interpretation, or evaluation of primary sources.
Beliefs is the plural of a noun belief. Believes is the use of a verb believe in third-person singular simple present.
Cassius suggests that they would do well to kill Antony in addition to Caesar, but Brutus refuses, saying that this would make their plan too bloody.