The right option that fills the blank is:
- <u><em>Preguntan</em></u>.
- <em>Los estudiantes siempre </em><u><em>preguntan</em></u><em> cuándo termina la clase.</em>
The translation of the sentence is:
- Students always <u>ask</u> when class ends.
There are some differences between the verbs <em>"preguntar"</em> and <em>"pedir"</em> that we will review below:
- Preguntar: It is used to obtain knowledge that you do not have at that time, whether you need to use that knowledge at that time (time) or need it later (knowledge in school).
- Pedir: It involves requesting a product or service for which you are going to pay or to which you are entitled to a certain reason.
Then, <u>in the case of questions that may arise from a class, how is the knowledge that will be used later</u>, the conjugated form of the verb <em>"preguntan"</em> for the second person <em>"ellos"</em> that is <u><em>"preguntan."</em></u>