Before you can add or subtract fractions with different first have to find common denominators. subtract the numerators and reduce fraction.
Adding fractions make sure numbers are same add the numerators and put it over the denominator,simplify the fraction if needed
Step-by-step explanation:
So, since when do we start burying survivors alive? Did they crash into Zombiland? Was it Spirit Air who didn’t want to pay damages in law suits? Or is this a time distance question in which we have to wait until each of the surviving passengers pass away? If so then I suspect that those who survived the New Mexico/Texas border crash would be buried in the state or country in which they eventually died or where they so instructed their next of kin to bury them. Of course, maybe they would be cremated and then the ashes will sit on someone’s mantel until a house cleaner tosses them out or they ashes may be spread out over a special parcel of land or water.
first option 1/2
Step-by-step explanation:
2,3,5 are the prime numbers from that set
each individual number has a 1 in 6 chance of landing on it and we have 3 so...
3 of 6 possibilities would be prime numbers. Simplify to...
1 in 2
We are asked to evaluate dx/dy of the function x^2y+xy^2=6
we use implicit differentiation here:
2xy dx + 2xy dy = 0we can cancel 2xy from both terms in the left-hand side such that what is left is dx/dy = 0