He states that the word conservation has three principles to it. One being that conservation stands for development; that these resources on Earth are here for the benefit of society today. He believes that we should be developing these resources and using them to the fullest extent for this generation. We should be recognizing that the present generation has the right to these resources to meet our demand, and then the remaining is for the next future generation.
The second principle of conservation that this article states is the prevention of waste and that our duty as humans is to have control of the Earth that we live on. We should be controlling the waste of these resources, like the waste of timber in a forest fire for example.
The third principle of conservation is that these developed and preserved resources should benefit many people and not just a few. They should be considered a common good.
This is a run-on sentence.
It's two sentences. The first sentence modifies the second, so, in that sense, is a misplaced modifier, but it is not a phrase within a sentence, it is a different sentence. A run-on sentence occurs when two or more independent clauses (also known as complete sentences) are connected improperly.
A passage can be identified as a dramatic monologue only when the narrator speaks.
A dramatic monologue is a poem that is written in a dramatic style where the poet creates a character called the persona who narrates the entire poem to a silent and passive listener. Since the narration is just like a monologue in a drama where only the narrator is speaking so this kind of poetry is classified as a Dramatic Monologue.
The Victorian poets greatly specialized in this kind of poetry, Robert Browning being the most popular. His ‘My Last Duchess’ is the most striking example of a dramatic monologue.
The answer is : A subtle meaning or feeling of a word