Are you serious? Is this a trick question? Nevertheless, I shall give you my best answer! Renaissance music is more relaxing. The difference between Renaissance music and today's music is most of today's music is more about getting twitterpated and partying and the Renaissance music was chill and about gathering together after they killed a big party of their enemies. They were more productive back then. Does this help?
Well there is a lot more that goes into this answer than the obvious lyrical difference. The styles tend to differ more so due to the separations of Secular and Religious Music that were very apparent. In this time, all Music had just began instilling the first musical instruments like the oboe, shawms, etc. The secular side of Music showed plenty of ballad/love songs like one would find in music composed by Moniot d’Arras, a Frenchman whose songs repeatedly featured lutes, chimes, and lyrics resembling his similar style of poetry. On the other hand, one has composer like Guillaume de Machaut, another French poet who is notably the most important composer from his time. His religious pieces like La Messe de Nostre Damme pertained to the catholic masses/liturgy as choral songs composed to be performed in cathedrals and churches. NO instruments were ever used inside the churches; thus, all Music was acapella and in Latin. This also had first introduced the Motet genre of music, later solely sacred, and the use of conjunctive harmonies between the intervals and chords that could be formed by different vocalists. Nowadays, Music is a spectrum and no longer one or the other, religious or secular. All instruments, vocalistic styles, time signatures, and languages mix-match to form modern-era music.
Griffin says that photographers “tap into something” when connecting to the viewer. This something is the viewer’s imagination. I think I have learned this because photography is being able to express what you want to express by capturing images that require you to use the techniques you know and the imagination of the viewers. In photography, you are creating an artifact that involves the viewer.