There were about 12 estonians citizens for every soviet soldier
The Soviet Union invaded Estonia with around 100,000 soldiers, and by the time, the population of Estonia was around 1,200,000.
the Soviet Union immediately launched fraudulent elections where all the candidates were communists, then, Estonia was declared a soviet republic and join the Soviet Union. Opposition, intellectuals, and other noteworthy people were either executed, sent to gulags, or allowed to stay under strict surveillance.
I am a European immigrant that came to the United States of America I came to America because they got so much stuff and I heard from my fellow friends that it's the best place to be I'm sorry to leave you and work has been caught me up but I've settled down really nasty and a nice little town here in America I wish all you can come so you can see this amazing side of this new country even though we Europeans had bad impressions of it it's actually not that bad...
John D. Rockefeller.
The other options were also among the richest men in the United States but, in the case of Andrew Carnegie, he made his fortune with the Steel industry. While J. P. Morgan was a financier.
John D. Rockefeller started the Standard Oil company in 1870 on Ohio and the corporation grew to be one of the most important monopolies of the entire history until the United States Supreme Court regulated the monopolies on a case against Standard Oil in 1911.
I hope this answer helps you.