Nixon ran on a campaign that promised to restore law and order to the nation's cities and provide new leadership in the Vietnam War.
The Alabama Slave Code of 1852 was a list of laws about bondage. The code was long and mostly controlled the behavior of enslaved Africans, but it also made rules that affected whites and showed how they felt about slaves.
1. No slave must go beyond the limits of the plantation on which he or she resides, without a pass, or some letter from his master or overseer.
2. No slave can keep or carry a gun, powder, shot, club, or other weapon..
3. No slave can, under any presence, keep a dog.
4. No slave can own property.
5. Not more than five male slaves shall assemble together at any place off the plantation.
The less ending of a punishment is a reduced sentence
John Calvin was a reformed based in Switzerland that believed in Martin Luther's ideas about faith and salvation. He was both a pastor and a theologian.
The Union used its number of ships to keep the south from exporting or importing its goods to foreign countries. It also used the ships to spread slave-revolt propaganda to convince European countries to not to trade with the South so they'll be economically weak to provide their soldiers with nessecary equipment such as weapons, food, and clothing. The union also used its wealth to buy southern loyalties to block south' sports to weaken confederates further more. Also, the North had railroads which the government bought from different companies to provide transportation to their men faster along with weapons. They also had many inventors who came up with gadgets and codes to help the army.