On September 8, 1900, a Category 4 hurricane ripped through Galveston, Texas, killing an estimated 6,000 to 8,000 people. At the time of the 1900 hurricane, Galveston, nicknamed the Oleander City, was filled with vacationers. Sophisticated weather forecasting technology didn’t exist at the time, but the U.S. Weather Bureau issued warnings telling people to move to higher ground. However, these advisories were ignored by many vacationers and residents alike. A 15-foot storm surge flooded the city, which was then situated at less than 9 feet above sea level, and numerous homes and buildings were destroyed. The hurricane remains the worst weather-related disaster in U.S. history in terms of loss of life.
blimp jk it was a time in the Western US of droughts with no water and people were very poor because the farmers ran off of crops but there was a drought so all the crops died therefore no money for farmers(aka everyone)
Answer:La esclavitud fue practicada en la América británica desde el principio de la era colonial, y fue firmemente establecida cuando se firmó la Declaración de Independencia de los Estados Unidos. Tras esto, existió una expansión gradual de abolicionismo en el Norte, mientras la rápida expansión de la industria del algodón desde 1800 causó al Sur aferrarse fuertemente a la esclavitud, e intentar expandirla a los nuevos territorios occidentales del país. Así, la esclavitud polarizó la nación en estados esclavistas y estados libres mediante la línea Mason-Dixon, que separaba a Maryland (esclavista) y Pensilvania (libre).
If Prussia had not belonged to the German Confederation, it would be most likely that Germany would not achieve unification during that period.
Prussia was proven to be the most strategic region that gave away victories to the Germans, making them able to control the flow of the conquest of other regions. Hope this helps