<span>Irish Nationalists were angry at England because the English invaded their country, confiscated their land and planted it with English and Scottish settlers, prohibited Catholics from owning land or participating in their own government or commerce, outlawed the Irish language, and did their best to erase Irish culture.</span>
I believe the answer to be, "A language designated by a country for business and government."
Hope this helps
The impact of WWII on the history of the world is that Millions of Germans and Japanese were forced out of the territories they lived in and sent back "home. Also the victors dismantled their former enemies' ability to make war by dismantling factories.
Answer: To determine its mechanical advantage you'll divide the length of the sloped side by the width of the wedge. For example, if the slope is 3 centimeters and the width is 1.5 centimeters, then the mechanical advantage is 2, or 3 centimeters divided by 1.5 centimeters.
For the question, the answer would be absolute horrible. They were only givein small, and i mean very very small rations of very stale bread and water, meaning they were starved and very dehydrated, they were whipped and beatin by SS and Gastopo soldiers and the dead would lay around, in some camps they would take the prisoners on what are called death marches to either where they would "work" or be killed by either fireing squad or gas chamber, if they didint die on the march, they were jam packed in there liveing quarters. When these camps were liberated at the end of the war by either American or Russian forces, they were described as basicly liveing hell, its smelled extremely bad from dead rotting bodys, thoes who were alive were so skinny they could see there bones, plus they were given basicly rags for clothing, and both men and women were shaved and were all given a number that was tattooed onto there forarm