I am translating it to you so that you can summarize it!
Hello! My name is Rosita and I live in Cartagena, Colombia. I am 16 years old and in high school. All high schools in Colombia have four different routes, from one year to five years of studies: technical, technological, teaching and professional programs. The teaching and professional programs are the longest.
I study in the technical program. I want to be a gardener. When you finish the two years of the technical program, you can start working immediately without going to university. In professional careers you need to study more than in technical careers and you need to go to university. There are technical majors in the United States, but not in all schools. In the United States, after you finish technical or general majors, you can go to college for professional studies
What types of activities do you and your family do during the summer? Describe them in as much detail as possible.
mi familia y yo fuimos a un crucero donde nos divertimos mucho juntos. la comida era increíble y el entretenimiento era hilarante. Nunca olvidaré cómo el chico de la piscina cayó al jacuzzi con todas esas bebidas. este fue el mejor verano de todos los tiempos.<span>
Cree en es the correct answer
3. What does the text mean when it says that teachers have to "exercise a kind of art like seduction, hypnosis"?
The teacher has to use methods that are increasingly exotic and rare in order to hold the attention of his students.
Teachers, like hypnotists, have to train for a long time before they can seduce their respective audiences.
Educating today's students requires using pedagogical methods that are very much like seduction.
Unable to exercise any kind of traditional discipline in the classroom, there is no choice but to try to control his students through personality and charisma.
English: It fit into Spanish by filling in the missing letters
Spanish: Encaja en español rellenando las letras que faltan
Did u mean like this, or did you forget something? I think you did tho