Name Type County Form of government Population; (2020) Change
Barrington Town Bristol Council–manager 17,153 +5.2%
Bristol Town Bristol Council–manager 22,493 −2.0%
Burrillville Town Providence Council–manager 16,158 +1.3%
View 38 more rows
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the dutch weren't interested in land at first
established cooperative relations with natives
Explanation: in the French and indian war french forces allied with natives as two had coexisted in trade and other dealing for a while and decided to fight together
Which of the following situations demonstrates balanced forces? <span>A. a clock's pendulum in motion</span> <span>B. a rock thrown upward, being acted on by gravity</span> <span>C. a child on a moving seesaw</span> <span>D. a car driving on a straight freeway at 60 miles per hour</span>