The text of a novel is more explanatory with details and the setting. In the movie version of novels, the movie is just flowing which makes it almost seem to be shorter. As to the text of a novel it's said\explained when a noise is made or when somebody walks in or by. In my opinion, although it would take more dedicated time to read the text of a novel first and the movie second it would give the reader's and viewer's a better understanding of what is being watched in the movie version.
Rural Virgina in the mid-1970
The third option will be the one
if i had a chance to change the past i would because iv made a lot of mistakes in my life and if i could fix them it would make the man i am now a lot better and i could make my family proud and i could start over and thats what a lot of people want and thats a second chance .
a scocial network were peaple can interact with one another and yet still be used in many ways and also addicting