In economics the term factors of production refers to all the resources required to produce goods and services. A paper company might need, among many other things, trees, water, a large factory full of heavy machinery, a warehouse, an office building, and delivery trucks. It might require a thousand workers to run the factory, take orders, market (or sell) the paper, and deliver it to wholesalers or retail stores. It might need thousands more resources of varying size and cost. Some of these items, such as workers’ skills, might be intangible. Together, these resources constitute the factors of production necessary for the paper company to do business.
They all have people living in them.
They all have different climates
I'm not sure what your text book indicates, but attraction towards the person you're considering dating is important to establish a deeper bond between the two people. We can also associate the person's good qualities with a pleasing experience.
Assessments of creativity have focused on the number of works a person produces, or on the timing of a person's "best" works, as determined by experts in the area or by the works' influence.
Creativity can be defined as a process of perceiving the hidden patterns in a new and innovative way. Or, in simple terms, it can be defined as an ability to create or form new ideas using imaginative skills.
Creativity can be measured, according to experts, by assessing the number of works produced by the person or the time he used to produce his best work.
So, the correct answer is the second option.
Answer: B. The massacre began because of a violent outburst by protesters toward passersby that supported the current government.