The fear of not being believed , if there are no witnesses , is a major reason in the case of sexual assault.
<span>Together with a feeling of shame and/or fear of reprisal by the offender. </span>
<span>Defence of such charges (against adult victims) usually argues the sexual encounter was consensual, or seeks to prove the victim is someone of loose morals and/or went further than intended - or the charge is totally false/malicious. </span>
<span>It's often difficult to prove 'guilt beyond all reasonable doubt' and many victims simply prefer to avoid the publicity and possible denigration of their character. </span>
<span>As regards domestic violence - the young will often be under threat of even more violence if they report the abuse - as can apply to adults, particularly females who might actually still 'love' the perpetrator, despite the violence - which will often result from a drink or drug problem, the bully expressing 'remorse' and promise not to do it again. </span>
<span>Until the next time, etc.</span>
There is a relation between Age (maturity/responsibility) and college grades. The higher grades the older age.
you didn't tell us the simile
Our animal friends teach us more than we could have expected and love us more than we could have hoped. That's why we miss them more than we could have imagined.A companion is gone but the memory lives on. They bring us love and happiness and comfort without end.