Ocean-Ocean Divergent
Continent-Continent Transform
Continent-Continent Convergent
Continent-Ocean Convergent
Ocean-Ocean Transform
Continent-Ocean Convergent
Continent-Continent Divergent
The above all sites are possible to generate earthquake . The divergent boundary whether it is Continent-Continent or Ocean-Ocean can generate shallow earthquake although it's very weak . The transform plate boundary or strike slip plate motion also generate shallow but powerful earthquake ( example: San Andres Fault is a transform plate boundary) . Another one is convergent boundary which can generate deep and very powerful earthquake .
The countries that belong to the same ethnic group are :
B. Lesotho
D. somalia
E. Swaziland
Those three countries are dominated by Digil and Rahanweyn ethnic group that live primarily as farmers
hope this helps
Fairtrade is paying producers a reasonable price for the goods that they produce. Many farmers in LICs are paid very low wages. This means that they cannot escape poverty. Fairtrade gives farmers a better chance in life.