The Federal Reserve Bank reports to the Congress and thus stand accountable to the people of U.S.
The U.S Federal Reserve Bank is commissioned by Congress with a specific authorization under the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. They are expected to report annually to Congress. The significant proportion of governors are named by the President. They should also need to confirm by Congress. And the election of the President and Congress by the people of the country have an indirect control on the Federal Reserve bank.
Farmers struggled with low prices all through the 1920s, but after 1929 things began to be hard for city workers as well. After the stock market crash, many businesses started to close or to lay off workers. Many families did not have money to buy things, and consumer demand for manufactured goods fell off. Fewer families were buying new cars or household appliances. People learned to do without new clothing. Many families could not pay their rent. Some young men left home by jumping on railroad cars in search of any job they could get. Some wondered if the United States was heading for a revolution.
The Supremacy Clause of the Constitution of the United States (Article VI, Clause 2), establishes that the Constitution, federal laws made pursuant to it, and treaties made under its authority, constitute the "supreme Law of the Land", and thus take priority over any conflicting state laws.
The English army relied on archers armed with longbows. Arrows fired from longbows flew farther, faster, and more accurately than those fired from French crossbows.
According to Karl Marx, the economic ideas behind socialism would lead to a revolution because when the working class of people would revolt against the upper class which is known as the burgeoise, that would be the only way of achieving true socialism.