6. false.
chemical energy to heat and mechanical. Mechanical that runs the factory in the
photo, and Heat energy that rises up in the atmosphere to join the other carbon
molecules in the air. 7. True. The arrow letter A is the transfer of solar power
from the sun, to a chemical reaction to produce food for the plant, which is
called photosynthesis. The leaves in the plant has chlorophyll that absorbs light
energy and transforms it to food.8. The answer would be letter C and F. C because It is
during the burning of the fossil fuels that the carbon dioxide is release into
the atmosphere. When burning the fossil fuels the carbon that was inside the
fossils is released. This also happens with diesel and other forms of natural
gas. While, F is because plant
respiration releases some of the carbon remains of the photosynthesis. While
plants do absorb carbon dioxide, part of their end product also includes reformed
carbon dioxide. Most of the other processes in the phot uses carbon or absorbs
carbon dioxide to aid their sustenance.9. A carbon cycle for living things would be A or B to F
wherein the plants absorb carbon dioxide to aid their production of food, and
then releasing carbon dioxide again as a by product of their food production.
This also happen to aquatic plants.An example of a non-living carbon cycle would be, D or E to
C. This would be the absorption of the carbon on our sea waters or to our soil,
this then gets trapped in there until it is release like through the forms of
fossil fuel burning.10. The law of conservation of mass and energy states that
matter can neither be created nor destroyed, this is very much evident in the
carbon cycle. Because the carbon from the light energy from the sun, or in our
atmosphere, ends up back to our atmosphere just to continue its cycle. The fact
that the carbon cycle is a cycle not just a linear equation proves that energy
can neither be created nor destroyed.