you must add activation energy to initially break the chemical bonds. Catalysts simply lower the activation energy needed to do the chemical reaction going. reactions to occur without themselves being used up in the reaction. Energy is usually needed to break the bonds and get the reaction going.
I just don’t know how to do that but I’m not going back in the house now lol I’m going back in the bed and I just got a bed lol I’m going back in my shower and I’m just going to sleep now and I’ll be home soon I’m going back home I’m just going back to bed I’m tired I’m sleeping sleep well I love y’all so I’m just going back home now and I’ll let you know when I’m going to bed lol I’m tired of it but I just don’t know what I’m going back with you lol I’m just going
Hydrologists are most likely to perform actions relating to estimating the amount of groundwater in an aquifer.
Hydrologists are scientists that specialize in the study of how water relates to the various crusts of the earth.
Hydrology in itself refers to the branch of science that studies how water moves relative to the earth's crusts.
Thus, species identification, age of fossils, or extracting underground oils have nothing to do with the work of hydrologists.
More on hydrology can be found here: brainly.com/question/13554728