Delian League or the Athenian Maritime Alliance was an alliance created between Ionian cities that were located in Asia Minor and the islands in the Aegean Sea. Athens was a leading force in the alliance, and even used the financial advantages of the league to support its own economic needs, especially during the period of Pericles.
Alliance was created to strengthen the role of the Greek city-states that were closely attached to Athens. This alliance participated in a war against Persia. The city-states from this alliance, around 300 of powers relied on maritime trade and were highly developed. Still, most of that money went in the hands of Athens that totally dominated in it. All great projects in Athens were financed from the money that was obtained through the existence of this alliance.
The war was started by the leaders of Germany and Austria-Hungary. Vienna seized the opportunity presented by the assassination of the archduke to attempt to destroy its Balkan rival Serbia.
FD Roosevelt (C)
A gathering of government projects and approaches set up under President Franklin D. Roosevelt during the 1930's; the New Deal was intended to enhance conditions for people enduring in the Great Depression.The Progressive Party was an outsider in the United States shaped in 1912 by previous President Theodore Roosevelt after he lost the presidential selection of the Republican Party to his previous protege, officeholder President William Howard Taft.