The student could show how each authors message about the theme is differ
One great example of suspense in the Hobbit is when Bilbo is in Smaug's smoky, gold encrusted lair, trying to find the sparkling cup, without awakening the dragon. A few times, we see the dragon release a puff of smoke, or stir, and Bilbo stops abruptly, than tiptoes forward quietly. There is so much suspense here while we await his fate!!
Below is a list of 36 questions you could use while teaching point of view to get ppl thinking more critically. The point of view questions are organized with Bloom’s Taxonomy in mind. Make sure you are incorporating higher order thinking questions consistently in your teaching of point of view.
D is your answer. every story has a conflict, whether is man vs man, man vs self, man vs nature, that prevents him or slows him from achieving
The overriding idea in any piece of fiction is known as it's plot