heme: An ordinary life can change completely in just a moment. C. Ghostgirl, Tonya Hurley Charlotte Usher feels practically invisible at school, and then one day she really "is" invisible. Even worse: she's dead.
This is contact...
I am *fine* with a *brainliest*...
Hip hop belongs in the category:- Pop
As we all know, Micheal Jackson was the king of pop, so we was probably the owner also.
He expresses sarcastic feelings, full of irony.
Luis doesn't like the junkyard that his father wants him to work for. This is a family business, but Luis thinks it is a demotivating and shameful job, which does not fit him and will limit the opportunities that life can offer him. For this reason, he quips, when his father says that the junkyard is also his, using the familiar phrase “Someday, son, all this will be yours” in a sarcastic and playful way.
They deserve rights even though one of the men have a disablity. Watch the movie. Its better and you get a better understanding.