C. Gloria
"Wrapping Up a Little Bit of Trouble" is a story written by<em> W.M. Akers</em>. The story focuses on two characters: Gloria<em> (the narrator)</em> and Davis <em>(Gloria's brother). </em>It happened on December 20th of the year, which was near Christmas Day. Gloria and Davis were busy wrapping the presents for the entire family.
You will know that Gloria is the narrator once you read the<u> 7th paragraph.</u> This is when Davis wandered into her bedroom and called her,<em> "Hey, Gloria." </em>After a while, they conversed on what presents they got their mom and dad. Gloria got her dad an <em>old map </em>while Davis got his dad a gigantic umbrella<em> (as suggested by their mom). </em>Davis wanted to have more fun in wrapping it and thought<em> they could wrap an open umbrella to surprise their dad. </em>It was really troublesome for them to wrap it.
I believe the answer you are looking for is: "a violent or destructive protest." The government would be most likely to become involved in a union protest that is violent or destructive.
By definition the difference between a confederation and a federation is that the membership of the member states in a confederation is voluntary, while the membership in a federation is not. Sometimes confederation is erroneously used in the place of federation. Hope this helps,
The main reason why the United States largely shied away from imperialism prior to 1890 was because there was plenty of potential raw materials and resources located in North America, so the US had no real reason to begin searching in other places like Africa.
farmers who did not live on the land they farmed and spent minimal time planting and harvesting crops, or who outsourced the labor. When the price of wheat fell, many farmers were unable to make a profit and abandoned their fields.
grower of wheat or other crops who lives outside the community except during the plowing, seeding, and harvesting seasons, often has a farm without buildings, and does much of the farming by hired custom operators.