Austro-Hungry declared war on Serbian and Entangled alliances which brought everybody else into the war
The amendment exactly excluded the sitting president, Harry
S Truman. Truman started a campaign for a third term in 1952, but after 18 days
he said, he would not pursue a second full period. He leave after a meagre performance
in the New Hampshire primary. The only Presidents therefore far who have attended
two full terms since the Amendment's approval are Dwight D. Eisenhower, Bill
Clinton and Ronald Reagan.
They served as palaces for kings.
The ancient Egyptians built pyramids as tomb for their pharaohs and their queens.
D. The poor living conditions of the working class in industrial cities
Lincoln Steffens is remembered for his work on the corruption and the life of working class in industrial America which he compiled in his book called the Shame of the City.
It delved into the deep seated corruption and systemic exploitation which was rampant in the big industries of the country which were booming with profits but were designed to exploit the common man.
His study on the exploitation on the working class was instrumental in getting more worker rights for them.
The answer is b . Women gained increased economic independence by working in