<h2>Gelatin </h2>
Gelatin is a differential medium which tests the ability of an organism to produce an exoenzyme, called gelatinase (this enzyme hydrolyzes gelatin)
When gelatin is at a temperature below 32°C (or within a few degrees thereof), it is a semisolid material and at temperatures above 32°C, it is a viscous liquid
When gelatin is broken down, it can no longer solidify and if an organism can break down gelatin, the areas where the organism has grown will remain liquid even if the gelatin is refrigerated
No the conclusion by student is not right because the tube must be runny after incubation followed by refrigeration to be considered gelatinase positive
Traits are inherited trough the parents genes that are passed to the offspring trough both parents reproductive cells, that contain genes in their nucleus.
Hope it helped,
Happy homework/ study/ exam!
from the splitting of water molecule.
The splitting of water molecules by sunlight is called Photolysis. This is the first reaction in photosynthesis; which occurs by catalysis of enzymes of Photo system 11.
It involves the splitting of water molecules into;
hydrogen ion/protons.
and electron.
<u> Oxygen is the by product liberated into the atmosphere, for animals to inhale for the process of cellular respiration</u><u>.</u>This is the source of oxygen fro cellular respiration in animals.
the hydrogen ions combined with electrons from photosystem 1 to reduce NADP .The latter is used to reduce C02 to form carbohydrate in light independent reaction
In the bone modelling process, osteoblasts a responsible for bone formation and osteoclasts are responsible for bone resorption. In the young adult during growth, the formation of bone exceeds the resorption of bone to maintain bone mass. Therefore,
As we get older, bone formation decreases due to reduction in osteoblastic activity and numbers and bone resorption increases as a result of sex hormone deprivation, this will result in decreased bone mass (osteoporosis). Therefore, osteoclastic activity would have to exceed osteoblastic activity in order or osteoporosis to develop
True because axons nerve impulse