They provided housing to those who could not provide housing for themselves and health education
This is hard to answer without a time-frame, of course, but one of the major innovations of department store economics was that the stores became more willing to recommend competing stores if they didn't have a particular product. The idea being that a customer would appreciate the help and return later.
Answer:They were more concerned with protecting individual liberty than
with making the government run efficiently
During ww2<span> about </span>1.8<span>% of </span>us soldiers were killed directly<span> in </span>battle<span>. This </span>number went down<span> to </span>0.5<span>% at </span>Vietnam war<span>. What was this </span>number<span> in the </span>Persian gulf<span> - 3910841.</span>
South Carolina would be considered the first state of the confederacy