Prompt 1 panic, get extremely nervous, and hope not to get killed. Prompt 2 i would give myself the fact that he should know that he is going to be fine and that he shouldn't panic.
You may either use this one or use of your own.
I think c because you change the way you write a story by saying I in first person because it comes from the character I don't think is d because you can have good vivid descriptions in third person storys that is what i think a t least
The expense of making an additional shirt is known as the marginal cost.
I would say Both, in my opinion because I use grammar a lot and never put commas when addressing someone If it is or isn’t being directly addressing he she or they. You could do he she or they or He, She, or they. If that’s what you mean?
B. Clifton, but
We won the games in Silverdale and Clifton<u>,</u> but we lost to Jenson after a turnaround in the fourth quarter and two overtimes.
You should put a comma before but only when but is connecting two independent clauses. You must leave it out if it does not connect two independent clauses.