to rewrite history in the Ministry of truth, bringing it in line with current political thinking
I believe that the answer is c (or the second one from the bottom)
Caffeine is the most common stimulant. Caffeine is the most widely used drug on the planet and has been used for centuries for its stimulating effects. Most energy drinks contain between seventy to two hundred milligrams of caffeine each. For example, a full can of Rockstar contains one hundred sixty milligrams of caffeine. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, which gives the body a jolt of their senses, making them more alert. The use of caffeine can dehydrate the body and raise blood pressure and heart rate.
i hope this helped you!!
Phones should not be used in class because they are a major distraction. If a phone goes off in class not only does it distract the owner of the phone, but everyone in class instantly looks at the person whose phone went off. Which also brings up the problem with social media, and texting. Oxford learning states that "Students check their phones in the classroom an average of more than 11 times a day. That can add up to a lot of time spent distracted from schoolwork." But with that problem its also a sign of immaturity, In my opinion if they are gonna be on their phone anyways just let them. Because there is always that one kid that if you say No they will do it anyways. I think a solution for most the distraction is to say "Everyone turn your phones on silent, If I hear it go off its mine." That stops the hole surrounding distraction.