What is Michèle's plan for the future?
bc i am big brain
Lactic acid accumulates in your muscle cells as fermentation proceeds during times of strenuous exercise. During these times, your respiratory and cardiovascular systems cannot transport oxygen to your muscle cells, especially those in your legs, fast enough to maintain aerobic respiration.
You’ve already conjugated some, but here you go:
a. être-> est
b. avoir-> avons
c. parler-> parlent
d. chercher-> cherche
e. aimer-> aimez
f. habiter-> habites
g. aller-> allons
Remember conjugations are just changing a verb from its original form to the one that makes sense with the person doing something. For example in English, we don’t say “ I to listen to music.” we say “ I listen to music.”
To listen—(changes into)—> listen.
There have been lots of people who have gotten c in French this lately. There have been about 128M people that have gotten c, and 72.6M people have recovered. There have been 2.8M deaths because of c. People started to invent vaccines, and people made many vaccines. We don't know what will happen next.
c. = c19
subjonctif :
“Il est important que les élèves reçoivent une bonne éducation”
“Il faut que nous attendions que les risques soient réduits”