They spread the catholic faith throughout the new world
The answer is: A proposed amendment becomes part of the Constitution as soon as it is ratified bythree-fourths of the States (38 of 50 States).
The Judicial Power of the United States shall be conferred on a supreme Court and the lower Courts that Congress may order and establish occasionally. The judges, both of the supreme and lower courts, will exercise their positions during good behavior and, at the established times, will receive compensation for their services, which will not be diminished during their tenure.
Section 1 Explanation:
The power to interpret the law of the United States will be in the hands of the US Supreme Court and the lower federal courts.
The lower courts will be created by Congress from time to time. The Constitution itself created only the Supreme Court, but allowed Congress to create other lower (lower) courts over time. Thus, as the burden of Supreme Court cases grew, Congress was able to create the lower federal courts.
Federal judges will hold charges "during good behavior" and receive "compensation" for their services.
Once appointed, federal judges remain in the office during "good behavior." Indeed, most federal judges serve a life-long term (since the Constitution does not set a time limit or a number of years).
Once appointed, their salaries cannot be "decreased" or decreased. This safeguards the judges from being influenced through their salary.
Companies like Uber and Airbnb uses this kind of economic model. For Uber Taxi, unlike the traditional taxis that are owned by companies, the customers/passengers are serviced by private drivers who owned the cars used. For Airbnb, it allows customers/vacationers to rent a place or a room owned by private individuals compared to hotels or resorts which are owned by companies or corporations.