Answer is Option C: The British government provides inconsistent and ineffectual support.
The main purpose of Patrick Henry 's speech “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!” is that he wanted to convince the audience on the hardships they have faced, and they should fight against Britain. He talks about the past experience they had with the British and how they never had successful reconciliation. According to him, British cannot be trusted if they are bringing troops.
Henry says the bitter truth that British won’t give them liberty until they wish to and colonists should fight and ask for it.
I like this one best it hits with a good flow and gets to the point of the paper
Mephistophilis describes Hell as a condition or state of being.
Mephistophilis is one of the characters that appear in <em>Doctor Faustus </em>by Christopher Marlowe. He is a demon that warns Faustus about the consequences of rejecting God. Moreover,<u> when Faustus asks Mephistophilis to describe Hell, he tells him that Hell is not a place like many people believe. In contrast, Hell is a condition or a state of being</u>. Furthermore, he explains Faustus that Hell is in all the places where God is not. Therefore, <u>Hell is equal to the absence of God. </u>
When my sister was ill, I advised her to seek professional medical advice.