They are required to have a balanced budget
In getting the job done or doing your task as an employee, it is advisable to focus your time in working the tasks that has been given to you or to get the job done. It is only professional to not deal with person's feelings during at time of work because it is an ethical way to do because your job is to work and not to meddle with other people's feeling. It is only applicable to worry about them if you aren't working and if you're on a break.
Culture and economics.
Nations, given the wide interconnection that globalization has generated, have signed huge amounts of treaties with other nations, in which economic, political, cultural, social, border, security, and all legal issues that otherwise affect or benefit said countries are agreed.
But governments, in all situations, must take as their main precaution not to directly or indirectly harm the economies of the countries involved, nor in any way harm the cultural identity of those nations.
Thus, these limitations regulate the framework of agreeability under which the nations will agree on certain conditions of the treaties.
D. A card Catalog
Why? Because the card catalog is a "map" of where everything
It can also be an atlas