Imagine you are working in a state mental hospital with individuals diagnosed with severe and profound intellectual disability.
Besides significant cognitive and adaptive skill limitations, many of these individuals may also have multiple physical and sensory impairments. Those most impaired are likely totally dependent upon others for their care. What are some important issues to consider when working with people with a high degree of impairment? What kinds of things do you need to consider to be sure you are respecting the dignity of those for whom you care?
When you are working with severely cognitive impairment, many factors need to be considered ranging from physical cares such as avoiding dehydration, malnutrition, falls, injures and medicine to their psychological and emotional wellbeing.
To provide safe and high- quality care to those with severe mental loss, we need to be alert to prevent patients hurting themselves or to avoid hostile atmosphere. Apart from monitoring their physiological needs, we need to provide a warm, bright and nurturing context. Be patient and alert to any complications or adverse events. It is important to listen to previous carers and family to tailor the patient's safe-keeping. Every person is presumed to have capacity until traces of delirium, risk of harm or dementia are noticed. Thus, communication at all times is the key. The unfamiliar atmosphere in a hospital may be overwhelming so you should resource to verbal communication and respect for a person's privacy. Finally, decision-making should be always consulted with the patient's family or legal guardian.
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