The answer is the repeal of the Intolerable Acts.
The First Continental Congress took place from September 5 through October 26, 1774. Delegates from each colony, except Georgia, met at Carpenter's Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.One thing the delegates demanded was that the King stop the Intolerable Acts or they would boycott English goods. But this did not happen so the boycott was put in effect.
If you are retired, you do not have a source of income from a job--you rely on your savings, interest from investments, or the government (e.g., social security in the US). With a job, your salary typically increases every so often to track inflation. When you just have savings, the total value of your money stays the same while the purchasing power of that money decreases. Investment income on your savings (e.g., interest) counterbalances this effect somewhat and government programs typically give out more money to account for the effects of inflation, but neither of these counterbalancing measures may prove sufficient.
James Madison promised the Bill of Rights to the people even before the constitution was ratified. The Bill of Rights protects the basics freedoms of the people like freedom to practice any religion, the right to protest, the right to privacy. If you want a list of the first 10 amendments of the constitution I suggest you look them up.
1. jerusalem - former capital of Judea often called the Holy City
2. knights - men with honorable rank who pledged to do good deeds
3. hospitalers - crusaders who were part of an organization that gave medical aid
4. alexandria - a city second and importance to Rome located on the Delta of the Nile River
The Greeks were able to regroup. To defend against the Persians, Athens formed the Delian League, making the city-state the most powerful in Greece. In response to the growing power of Athens, the Spartans formed their own league, and the two powers went to war.