He had dark, messy black hair with a pallid complexion. He's dark and Gothic.
4## the fall of the Soviet Union
The Cold War period is a period in which the US and the USSR had lot of tensions, threatening, competition in pretty much everything. This period lasted until the fall of the Soviet Union at the beginning of the 1990's, thus we can not say that that was a reason for US intervention in Latin America during the Cold War as after the fall of the Soviet Union there was no more Cold War.
The US have a long history of interventions and meddling in Latin America, and it is hard to find a nation in which they haven't intervened, sponsored certain groups, or at least tried to do some of that. That has resulted in lot of despise toward the US in Latin America among the ordinary people, as the majority of their interventions were ending up with military conflicts and cracked economies, setting up dictators as leaders of these nations as well.
Can you show me the question/ the picture
so I can answer it please?
The Missouri Compromise was needed to settle the issue of slavery
In the Soviet Union, The Great Depression helped Stalins iron grip on power.
The United States Created Economic Plans such as FDR's New Deal Programs and publics works projects to respond to the economic hardship spreading around the Country.
The Weimar Government (German Government Post-WW1) Could not muster an effective response really. The response was large government spending and inflation on a Massive scale.